Mathematical Olympiad competitions started in Hungary at the end of the nineteenth century; national Olympiads are now held in over a hundred countries, and there are numerous international events. Olympiads challenge able secondary school pupils to develop their mathematical skills by solving problems. Olympiad problems are unpredictable and have no obvious starting point; although their solution may require little more than ordinary school mathematics, they are definitely "problems" rather than routine exercises, and this can make them seem rather hard. The Mathematical Olympiad Handbook introduces readers to these challenging problems and aims to convince them that Olympiads are not just for a select minority.

The book contains problems from the first 32 British Mathematical Olympiad (BMO) papers 1965-96 and gives hints and outline solutions to each problem from 1975 onwards. An overview is given of the basic mathematical skills needed, and a list of books for further reading is provided. Working through the exercises provides a valuable source of extension and enrichment for all pupils and adults interested in mathematics.

Tony Gardiner bas been involved in the British Mathematical Olympiad competitions for several vears. He was leader of the UK International Mathematical Olympiad team from 1990 to 1995 and is currently Vice-President of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions. In recognition of his work since 1988 in strengthening national competitions within the UK he received the l'aul Erdös National Award in 1995.